Attendance Policy

Concert Attendance

Concert attendance is mandatory.  Consider each concert a final exam to all the study introduced each quarter.  

Dealing with Absence

If a student knows he/she is going to miss an extra rehearsal or performance, he/she must communicate the absence by turning in an excused absence form (linked here) to the director in a timely fashion. 

Examples of excused absences:  serious illness, death in family, family emergency.  

Non-school activities, trips, camping, shopping, etc. are NOT considered excused absences.  

Communication of the absence must be made to the director.  If no communication is forthcoming, the absence will be considered unexcused.  The difference between an excused absence and unexcused absence is not whether or not a students is required to recover the unearned grading points, but rather whether or not the student is offered the opportunity to recover the points.

Recovery Assignments

Missing a concert is sometimes unavoidable if there is an emergency or if illness strikes.  Even if an absence is excused, however, the points not earned must be recovered to ensure a successful grade in the course. Remember, the difference between an excused absence and unexcused absence is not whether or not a students is required to recover grading points, but rather whether or not the student is offered the opportunity to recover the points.  Concerts are a third of your quarter grade and a most beneficial experience toward your learning as a musician/performer.

The following are assignments available to you to recover points from your unearned morning rehearsal and/or concert performance grades.  If you are recovering a morning rehearsal grade, you may do so by completing OPTION #1 listed below.  If you are recovering a concert performance grade, choose TWO of the following options in any combination (for example, you may choose to turn option #1 twice, or combine options together - as long as you complete two assignments.) Get approval for you choices, as well as details for each option, from directors.